Charlevoix 2014 - 3


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  • Makoto on 2014-Mar-19 02:28:56 Makoto said

    Can't believe I haven't made a deutor after knowing so long about this place, but the Latin Cafe on S Hamilton in Whitehall is the *only* Dominican restaurant in the city. Sounds promising. I would have also pointed you guys to Lindo Mexican & Cambodian restaurant on Sullivant, but it looks like they are closed for good. A damn shame. Still, if you just pass Demorest heading west on Sullivant on the south side is a strip mall with Hashi African restaurant that has caught my attention.
  • Andrea on 2015-Dec-18 04:29:46 Andrea said

    Nice quote sinan. I think those who are deeifrfnt just for the sake of being deeifrfnt is equally as laughable as those who are all the same. The key is to understand what you are doing instead of blindly following the trend. I agree to cuiyao that lolita are no deeifrfnt from others, there are good and there are evil. Never stereotype others merely based on how they dress like.I don't particularly appreciate lolita but I respect them. Afterall, we live our own lives and no one else is in the position to judge others on that.

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