Hello Beth Anne!My name is Svetlana. I'm a Humphrey scholar here in Penn State. I'm from Russia, from Siberia. I'm a head of adtivpae technology center for students who are blind or have low vision in my university and I'm blind myself since birth.I was so impressed watching your webcast! Thank you so much for sharing this! It's a very good way to educate people about people with disabilities. I'm always ready answer any questions too. Sometimes it's really funny. for example, I was asked this question twice (In the California airport and here in the liquor store): could you please show me your driver's license? I was with my cane wearing my glasses at this moment ))Here are my silly questions for you:what was the most challenging on your way to the higher education? What was the biggest obstacle?How do you recharge your energy when you are really tired or upset?Thank you so much again! I wish you good luck with everything what you are doing! My respect and appreciation for you and your mother!
on 2016-Feb-02 20:31:06 Dolley said
It's like you're on a miisson to save me time and money!